Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Year's Promise: become a better web developer.

Every January there is a time to do a new year’s promise to yourself. One  may want to loss some weight somebody else to gain some, but there are still some crazy people who want to code better. Code better for them self, for everyone for better web.
Still, new year’s promises are known as difficult to keep. If you are one of those, who always find excuses I will deprive you of one. Here is the list of the best online web development courses - all for free and at any time you want.

IBM developerWorks
Great library of technical content (BTW promoting IBM products).
Web development sections covers topics like Ajax, JavaScript, Web 2.0 and cutting-edge technologies like Cloud Computing and HTML5.
Besides resources IBM hosts developers community.

Yahoo Developer Network
Another good place for those who are hunting for web development knowledge. Library includes resources about Design Pattern, Flash, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, .Net and  Flash. Besides there is a good documentation for great Yahoo APIs.

A list apart - For people who makes websites...
is the slogan of this site. In the Code section there is a bunch of articles related to web development like CSS, HTML and HTML5 and also server-side technologies. But that is not all what it offers. Worth to check out.

Google Code University
Google is known from taking part in all possible Internet initiatives. This time it offers good and still growing course library. Among other things - HTML5 and security of internet applications.

Library full of articles related to different Opera technologies and general topics of web development like HTML5, CSS, JavaScript.

is, and always was, a great resource for studying many web technologies covering most XML - based technologies, JavaScript, web-services and server-side programming like PHP, MySQL and .Net.  All tutorials are complete, have links to documentations and code playground.

Tutorials on Webmonkey are another great database of knowledge. It will help you to learn JavaScript and JavaScript frameworks, CSS and HTML 5,  as well as basic web server configuration and web design. In general - everything you may need in your daily life.

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