Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Monopoly – first shots.

Despite the first announcements the game is “working” already. Unfortunately “working” does not mean you can play it. The servers are overloaded and 99% of the time they don’t respond.

With a huge dose of patience I manage to find a street to buy, and… I have got stuck in user registration form for last 30 minutes.

First impressions: looks nice, pity it is not possible to play, the registration form has some small bugs (i.e. after reload remembers you password while didn’t remember you nick name.

First pictures:





Sadly, on the official blog there are many comments saying that there are much more bugs in the game.  Maybe Google or Hasbro rush into making it available for public...

Edit: Perhaps a big reset is coming.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tomorrow I will be lost (to the world)…

Monopoly !!!  …and my project with me. Everything because of Google:

So, see you tomorrow on